Wednesday, March 25, 2015

CLASS 9, Exploring Second Life

I, admittedly, found myself running around in circles for a good hour and a half just enjoying the scenery in this 3D environment.  Then I realized that I could teleport to different places.  The following are all of my screenshots that I took while exploring:

The following two pictures are just screenshots of me setting up the account.  This type of thing is foreign to me, so I figured I would document it.

Here I am with the avatar I picked from the welcome screen.  Just getting my feet wet here.

 I tried to customize my avatar to look as much like me as I could.  So I picked this guy:
 Here I am, still just getting my feet wet.  I just walked and walked before I realized I could teleport.
 I sat on a raft in the water
 I looked for the keys to this beautiful boat!
 Then I climbed a little hill and on the other side, lo and behold, there was a volcano
 Here is the first area that I teleported to
 Here is the second area... looked pretty dismal
 Here is the third area.  This was called "Winter Wonderland".  I don't know if I was doing something wrong, as we were advised to stay in the public, safe for class areas, but there was one avatar in particular that kept getting right up in my face and I kept getting alerts like this:
 Here I am in a cannon
 And here I am underwater just roaming
 This was the path that I followed to see the volcano
 Here is another environment I teleported to. It was called "Italy."  Again, I, by accident, walked into what I thought was a restaurant, but ended up being a hosiery store

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