Thursday, April 30, 2015

Final Project: Group State House

This is the GROUP rendition of the Old Boston State House, completed, during class, by my classmates and me. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

As we started constructing our building, there was a bit of a free for all.  We went back to the place in Minecraft where we had built a platform last week.  From here, everyone just started building the four walls, with everyone understanding that the outer dimensions were 12x39.  We struggled with consistency in terms of the height, but as you can see, our final product came out pretty nice, not to mention we couldn't get our hands on anything that told us exactly how high the structure actually is. Here are a few early stage screen shots:

My original team member, Greg, was suffering from some major technical difficulties in terms of communication tonight, so I called him, put him on speaker, and stuck next to him for the most part to make sure I could relay messages from the rest of the class.  So we inevitably ended up collaborating on a lot for this build.  In the 2nd screenshot, you can see Greg putting the lower level of windows in.  Then, we built the back door and surrounding windows, as seen below:

The last screenshot above is a nighttime view from afar during the build.  From here, Greg and I went on window patrol.  We placed the bottom sills below all the windows, and got to work simultaneously installing the dormers, or 2nd-story windows.  We initially made them all brick, but with input from the rest of the class, decided to go with a sandstone top.  It looks pretty sharp if you ask me.  

Finally, here are some overview pictures.  Nice work to everyone in my class, and I hope everyone enjoys our work!

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