Thursday, March 19, 2015

Class 8 Minecraft: Interface Fundamentals

For this assignment, we had to get acquainted with the popular game "Minecraft".  I kind of just mosey'd around my world for a big, knocking down trees and messing with my inventory, turning the trees into planks, and even some planks into buttons.  Also, in my world, I came across a large fire, a BUNCH of pigs, and at night, another unfriendly person with a bow and arrow as well as what seemed like a bigfoot (and promptly died after that).  Here are some screenshots:

 Here, piggy piggy.
 Here is where I took my wooden blocks and made them into smaller bundles of planks.
 Here are the characters who killed me... you can see my crosshairs on the one with the bow and arrow, and to the left covered in brush is the "creeper" that killed me, as seen in the following screenshot.

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