Thursday, February 19, 2015

Class 5, Assignment 5

As mentioned in the attached youtube video, "What is perfection?"  In today's society, you can't even walk down the street without seeing a supermodel pasted on the side of a bus, billboard, or other advertisement.  Is this perfection?  Should we all be striving for a tiny waist, huge biceps and breasts, and a perfectly chiseled jawline?  Some argue that, yes, indeed, we should.  However, I would counter that we should not be asking "is this perfection," and instead, be asking "is this normal?"  And this is where photoshop comes in to play.  As seen in the attached video, even the most wealthy, sought-after celebrities use highly trained professionals to alter and photoshop photos in efforts to look "perfect."  I believe that, although it is nice to "feast one's eyes" on an attractive person advertising Corona beer in close to nothing on an exotic beach, we need to take into consideration that these images are, most of the time, a figment of a photoshopper's imagination.

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